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"The Right to Call in Sick"

The New York Times wrote an article titled The Right To Call In Sick. The article talks about how the U.S. is one of very few nations that still did not require paid sick leave. The Obama administration attempted to change this, but there are many skeptics and it would be tough to pass in Congress. In February, 2016 President Obama used executive order to require federal contractors to provide paid sick leave. This rule went into effect starting January 1, 2017. It is predicted to affect around 1.1 million people in the U.S., and it will potentially stand as an example for the rest of the private sector.

Not all corporations agree with Obama’s strives for paid sick leave because it will cost them more money. However, corporations do not always have the best interest of the workers in mind. Proponents see it as a possible increase for the productivity of businesses. Having paid sick leave, along with a safe workplace and fair wages, will allow for greater productivity, lower turnover, a better economy, and happier workers (Tritch).

There are very few countries that do not provide paid sick leave. I think this is very unfitting for the U.S., especially since we are among the most advanced and innovative countries in the world. Strives are being made to make paid sick leave a federal law, but it may take a while to pass through legal standards. Allowing federal contractors to have paid sick leave will be a good start, and it will hopefully influence other corporations to catch on. It could be very beneficial for companies because it will increase worker moral and will allow for an overall better productivity among workers.

Another thing that costs employers money is high turnover rates. Having several days of paid sick leave will make workers more likely to stay at a company and turnover rates will be very low. Most companies do not have appreciation for their workers, and do not take into account their physical well-being. Workers’ rights and treatment are not usually taken into consideration before a company’s profits are, and this needs to change. Requiring paid sick leave would be a more ethical and economical decision for the U.S.

Tritch, Teresa. "The Right To Call In Sick." The New York Times. The New York Times Company, 30 Sept. 2016. Web. 12 Oct. 2016.

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